Oct 21, 2021
Now more than ever, expecting women are finding that they are NOT getting the support they NEED in preparation for their deliveries. With the COVID restrictions and changes in medical office protocols, they are having fewer prenatal visits and we are being told by...
Jun 10, 2021
{Read to the end for our free guide, info on our Birth Ready class, and more!} When it came to expecting my babies (we have 3), I would wholeheartedly say that I LOVED buying little baby items and decorating their nursery. It was easy to get sucked into Pinterest for...
Jul 2, 2020
Abdominal surgeries can include anything from a hernia repair to a c-section, or a gynecologic scope procedure or diastasis repair. They may all seem unrelated except for ONE main thing… The CORE muscles were CUT! Regardless of the size of the incision or scar, this...
Jun 18, 2020
Almost half of all women will experience pelvic pain at some point in their lifetime. This could be pain with gynecologic exams, sexual intercourse, pain and irritation of the vulva or skin on the outside of the vaginal opening, a deep ache with standing for long...
May 7, 2020
When it came to expecting my babies (we have 3), I would wholeheartedly say that I LOVED buying little baby items and decorating their nursery. It was easy to get sucked into Pinterest for HOURS looking at all the cute baby things, baby decor, what to pack for the...