Sep 23, 2021
Here at Pinnacle, we see MANY new moms and we LOVE caring for them! One of the MOST common issues we see our newer mamas have, is a postpartum onset of neck and upper back pain as well as sometimes a continuation of the low back pain they had during pregnancy. And...
Sep 2, 2021
When it comes to knowing what our own core and pelvic floor strength is, most of us have no idea. The problem is that we can only truly see our abdominal muscles, and they are but one part of an entire core muscle team. What team you ask? There are 4 muscles that...
Aug 26, 2021
For many women, the end of summer is a time to prepare for the impending chaos of a packed fall. School starting, work, activities for kids, holidays, and more. So often, we hear our patients talk about not having time for themselves in the mix with all of the hats...
Feb 11, 2021
Pelvic physical therapy is a new concept for most people, and there may be a LOT of questions one may have when it comes to seeking out the help of an expert that knows so much about this area of our health. What does therapy look like? How often does a person GO to...
Nov 26, 2020
When it comes to breathing, we are all aware that it is crucial for us to stay alive. So how is it that so many people need coaching on how they breathe? We are after all still alive right? Isn’t that proof that we’ve got that one covered? NOPE! Sounds crazy...