The Four Pillars of Pelvic and Core Health

In 2021, women are STILL being told that “doing their kegels” will help absolutely every issue with the pelvic floor and core muscles.  In fact, pelvic PTs see patients every single week that come to us so sure that they just need help with doing a better kegel....

Postpartum Neck and Back Pain – Tips From The Trenches!

Here at Pinnacle, we see MANY new moms and we LOVE caring for them!  One of the MOST common issues we see our newer mamas have, is a postpartum onset of neck and upper back pain as well as sometimes a continuation of the low back pain they had during pregnancy.  And...

Pelvic Organ Prolapse – After The Diagnosis

I’ve been asked by many women and patients over the years what they can do about their prolapse.  They are often scared and also feel let down by their medical providers and society at large for NOT discussing the possibility of POP. They are often told by their...

Two Core Exercises That Are Great For Early Core and Pelvic Floor Rehab

At the time I write this, most of our country is in a state of hibernation thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Gyms are closed and most of us are left with much fewer options for exercise. We can get outside to run, walk, bike, and we can exercise inside our homes. Now...