Birth Do’s and Don’ts

Birth is such an amazing experience and we are only just now beginning to reclaim ownership over the process. For too long, women have been experiencing birth as something that is done to them thanks to the medicalization of birth that started as early as the 1920’s. ...

Rodin’s Thinker And Your Pelvic Floor

Rodin’s Thinker bronze statue is the famous statue where a very buff man is sitting and well, thinking! He sits with one hand on his thigh (left) and the opposite hand (right) under his chin contemplating something. It’s a gorgeous statue showing the human body, but...

Death Of The Squat – Why We Need To Reclaim It!

Before my days of enlightenment of an epidemic in our modern day society, I too viewed a squat as an athletic activity. Something that only athletes or people at a gym would do. Certainly not the everyday person like my friends, parents, and people I knew around my...