Birth Ready & Beyond Home
Birth Ready & Beyond is for women who find themselves somewhere along the journey from pregnancy through menopause.
Gone are the days when most women had their babies at age 20, and had 3 DECADES between child bearing and menopause. Today, it’s more like 15 years or LESS! Not only that, but most women are also juggling parenting AND careers.
We’re building a safe place for us to talk about our life struggles with balancing it all and figuring out how to do this whole “self care” thing. We may want to do it all and be the badass mama, but most all of us need support or help.
We have a focus on health and fitness/wellness so that we can keep being awesome and rock this amazing life as intentionally as possible. We will be bringing in other professionals to share their wisdom along the way.
Come join us as we grow, empower and learn from each other!