Post Abdominal Surgery in Vancouver

Recovering After Abdominal Surgery in Vancouver
Abdominal surgery can include hernia repairs, c-section, laparoscopic procedures, diastasis repair, tummy tucks, and more. Recovering from any one of these procedures requires time to recover and should include guidance on recovering safely and completely to get back to all the normal activities of life and fitness.
At Pinnacle, we are passionate about advocating for our post surgical clients as we know well how much of a difference solid guidance and support makes in the healing process. Support starts quickly after surgery where we focus on early recovery, restoring normal breath patterns, safe movement strategies, supportive garments, and early scar care. We then progress to restoring full coordination and strength of the deep core (including the pelvic floor) muscles in conjunction with restoring good posture and hip strength.
Surgeons are the experts in surgery, pelvic therapists are the experts in the recovery process for the core and pelvic floor.
When should we reach out to a pelvic therapist when planning a surgery?
Before surgery is recommended if able, as we can help our client know exactly what they can do immediately after, how to manage their abdominal binder, get into and out of bed, cough safely and even start working on some core strength pre-hab.
As early as 2 weeks following surgery we can help in the healing process and address early recovery concerns.
Will the therapist work with the surgeon?
We prefer to be in contact with the surgeon so we can work as a healing team.
What surgeries are our therapists able to help with recovery?
As mentioned above, any surgery of the abdomen or pelvic floor. This can include hernia repair, c-section, diastasis repair, laparoscopic procedure (appendectomy, gallbladder removal, etc). There are 4 layers of abdominal muscles and any incision into them will affect the entire core muscle team including the diaphragm, all abdominal muscle layers and even the pelvic floor. Helping our clients quickly regain the connection between all of these muscles will ensure a faster recovery with fewer long term issues such as back pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, and more.