012: Sleeptalking With Sleep Expert Brittney Stefanic!

012: Sleeptalking With Sleep Expert Brittney Stefanic!

March 5, 2020

Where we have honest conversations with experts in all things health and happiness ranging from pregnancy through menopause… I’m Buffy Stinchfield and I’m on a mission to EMPOWER women to THRIVE instead of being the victim to the unique challenges we face.


As a pelvic health physical therapist and mom of 3, I’ve seen and experienced the struggles that we face as moms and know that we don’t have to do it alone! Join me as we tackle the questions and issues that are core to our experience as women and mothers.

Let’s Be Empowered Together!

Do you wake up feeling tired??

Do you feel like your sleep could do this sleep thing better?

Does sleep feel like the last thing on a very long list of To Do’s??

I got to chat with the amazing Sleep Teachers Sleep Consulting Founder Brittney Stefanic to talk allllllll about SLEEP!!!

We cover a TON about sleep in this episode and its one you do NOT want to miss! From baby sleep training to bedtime routine tips with big kids and adult sleep goals.

Let’s pull this #sleep goal out from under the giant pile of healthy to-dos because it can make such a HUGE impact on our overall health.

Brittney Stefanic


Brittney is the mama of 3 year old Lincoln and knows the value of a great night sleep which is why she founded Sleeper Teachers Sleep Consulting.

A science geek + lover of sleep + Enneagram 1, Brittney believes deeply that sleep is a superpower, and that you need more of it no matter where you are in your journey as a woman!

Sleep is the ultimate form of self-care, and she and her teammates love educating and supporting families around the world in finding sleep solutions to continue living healthy and thriving lives!

Website: Sleeper Teachers

Pinterest: @thesleeperteachers

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