Bladder and Bowel Health in Children
By: Heather Jenny, PT — Heather has joined Pinnacle Women’s Therapeutics with over 28 years specializing in pelvic health in adults and children. She is a gift to our community! Hello There!...
IBS Symptoms AND Endometriosis? Here Are 5 Tips To Support Your Gut Health.
Just when I thought one issue was enough, I found myself struggling with TWO! My first hellish menstrual cramps started my freshman year in college. And for anyone who has experienced cramps to...
Having Work-From-Home Neck or Back Pain? Let’s Talk POSTURE!
For those who have been logging WAY more hours working from home, you may have started to notice new aches and pains in our neck or back. As our workstations have changed to perhaps less than ideal...
Hormone Imbalances And Painful Sex — What Can Be Done?
Hormones are a “girl’s best friend”. All is fine until our hormones become off balance or we begin to have a decline in our sex hormones. While many talk about the side effects of hormones...
After Abdominal Surgery: What You Can Do In the First Weeks
Abdominal surgeries can include anything from a hernia repair to a c-section, or a gynecologic scope procedure or diastasis repair. They may all seem unrelated except for ONE main thing… The CORE...
8 Reasons Why You May Be Experiencing Pelvic Floor Pain
Almost half of all women will experience pelvic pain at some point in their lifetime. This could be pain with gynecologic exams, sexual intercourse, pain and irritation of the vulva or skin on the...
The Irony In Telling New Moms To “Listen” To Their Body
For many women, getting through pregnancy is an all out endurance event. Between the morning sickness, back pain, general aches, difficulty sleeping, and gotta go bladder, and more, there is a LOT...
7 Ways To Combat Constipation During Pregnancy
If you ask a mother, she will tell you that there are many “gifts” of pregnancy. One may talk about morning sickness, another may have had issues with swelling or back pain, and another may talk...
Preparing Our Body For Labor… And Why We Should See A Pelvic PT In The Second Trimester
When it came to expecting my babies (we have 3), I would wholeheartedly say that I LOVED buying little baby items and decorating their nursery. It was easy to get sucked into Pinterest for HOURS...
5 Clues That Bladder Leaks Could Be Caused By Over-Tight Pelvic Floor Muscles… And What To Do
Say What?! Women in our society are constantly hearing the phrase “do your Kegels” once they have had babies or reach a certain age. We have likely heard a doctor or a family member say this. But...