When it comes to feeling better and resolving unwanted symptoms like pain, inflammation, constipation, pelvic organ prolapse, chronic infections, fatigue, and more, we are often told that there is some “magic pill” for the specific symptom. Constipation? Take this...
I wanted to take a moment to talk about Eating Disorders and their potential impact on the pelvic floor. Over my years of treating girls and women with pelvic floor problems, I found a unique set of clients that came for treatment of incontinence and Pelvic Organ...
When it comes to breathing, we are all aware that it is crucial for us to stay alive. So how is it that so many people need coaching on how they breathe? We are after all still alive right? Isn’t that proof that we’ve got that one covered? NOPE! Sounds crazy...
Let me start this by saying that I am incredibly grateful for those who have gone into the fitness industry. WE NEED YOU! Of all the things I have missed during the 2020 year, I have REALLY missed being able to settle into a group fitness class, let the instructor...
Rodin’s Thinker bronze statue is the famous statue where a very buff man is sitting and well, thinking! He sits with one hand on his thigh (left) and the opposite hand (right) under his chin contemplating something. It’s a gorgeous statue showing the human body, but...
The quick fix mentality lives on strong in 2020. How do I know this? Just paying attention to the marketing ads that fill our social media feeds and television will reveal this. One promising a gizmo for muscle tightness, another for quick pain relief, and another...