Jun 4, 2020
For many women, getting through pregnancy is an all out endurance event. Between the morning sickness, back pain, general aches, difficulty sleeping, and gotta go bladder, and more, there is a LOT we have to work hard to ignore to survive the day. Each and EVERY...
May 21, 2020
If you ask a mother, she will tell you that there are many “gifts” of pregnancy. One may talk about morning sickness, another may have had issues with swelling or back pain, and another may talk about having constipation. The rates at which women experience these...
May 7, 2020
When it came to expecting my babies (we have 3), I would wholeheartedly say that I LOVED buying little baby items and decorating their nursery. It was easy to get sucked into Pinterest for HOURS looking at all the cute baby things, baby decor, what to pack for the...
Apr 23, 2020
Say What?! Women in our society are constantly hearing the phrase “do your Kegels” once they have had babies or reach a certain age. We have likely heard a doctor or a family member say this. But we are NOT used to hearing people talk about making sure our pelvic...
Apr 9, 2020
In the past few weeks, our whole world has literally changed with the COVID-19 pandemic. If anyone of us were told that someday soon we would all be quarantined to our homes, businesses forced to shut down, and mask-wearing was the new thing… we would all probably...
Mar 26, 2020
At the time I write this, most of our country is in a state of hibernation thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Gyms are closed and most of us are left with much fewer options for exercise. We can get outside to run, walk, bike, and we can exercise inside our homes. Now...