Jun 10, 2021
{Read to the end for our free guide, info on our Birth Ready class, and more!} When it came to expecting my babies (we have 3), I would wholeheartedly say that I LOVED buying little baby items and decorating their nursery. It was easy to get sucked into Pinterest for...
Jun 3, 2021
The pandemic has been hard on people, but I think it’s been even harder on women. The physical and emotional caregiving, teaching our kids at home, coupled with working inside and outside the house. It’s been a lot! The circumstances have got me thinking about the...
May 27, 2021
Kids around here have recently been able to get back to in person school. In many households, this was a cause for great celebration! It meant that COVID cases were finally going down, our kids could be around other kids and have in person teachers teaching them...
May 13, 2021
Constipation is not an easy thing to discuss amongst family and friends. But if you have it, you know that being constipated can make your life miserable! Nothing is worse than being on vacation or in a business meeting and feeling bloated and nauseated because you...
Apr 29, 2021
If I were to tell you that you were probably breathing wrong and I could help you improve it, would you believe me? I mean, you ARE currently breathing and haven’t passed yet right? Convincing people that so much hinges on them conquering the way they breathe, is a...
Apr 15, 2021
Pelvic pain will affect almost half of ALL women at some point in their lifetime. And for many, this pain can be chronic, lasting for months and years. Symptoms can include painful periods, pain with inserting a tampon or with sex, pain with urination, pain with...