Apr 29, 2021
If I were to tell you that you were probably breathing wrong and I could help you improve it, would you believe me? I mean, you ARE currently breathing and haven’t passed yet right? Convincing people that so much hinges on them conquering the way they breathe, is a...
Apr 15, 2021
Pelvic pain will affect almost half of ALL women at some point in their lifetime. And for many, this pain can be chronic, lasting for months and years. Symptoms can include painful periods, pain with inserting a tampon or with sex, pain with urination, pain with...
Apr 1, 2021
The title of this post is in no way meant to demean the CrossFit brand. In fact, we actually love what Cross Fit has to offer many people. But when it comes to childbirth, channeling your inner CrossFitter is NOT how to best and most safely deliver your baby. Us...
Mar 18, 2021
What could a potato and having prolapse have to do with each other? I would have thought the same thing before having a conversation with my grandma. My grandma was born in 1903 and was quite a character! She taught me many, many things about life and fueled my...
Feb 11, 2021
Pelvic physical therapy is a new concept for most people, and there may be a LOT of questions one may have when it comes to seeking out the help of an expert that knows so much about this area of our health. What does therapy look like? How often does a person GO to...
Jan 28, 2021
If you have watched the Summer Olympics, you have likely seen this thing called kinesio tape on athletes. Coming in various colors, you will have seen it on a person’s shoulder, knee, and more. It looks cool, but what does it do? How does it help? And if it is...