The Postpartum Exam That None of Us Had But Should

When it comes to the modern woman’s postpartum journey, there is usually a lot lacking in the care and support department.  If you are reading this and feeling that this does not describe your experience, then count yourself in the minority. When it comes to the...

Why Kegels Are NOT The Cure All

Most women have at some point in their adult lives heard the word “Kegel”.  They have a vague idea of what it is (such as stop the flow of urine), and may have been told by their OBGYN that they should probably be doing many of them every day.  For forever.  And that...

What Is Your “Core”?

We often hear the word core in terms of fitness and health.  The phrase “engage your core” is often said in exercise classes.  But does everyone know what that means?  Is it sucking in your gut? Well, not really.  I think this is another example of a phrase we hear,...