

Don’t Forget About YOU When You Plan Your Fall Schedule!

For many women, the end of summer is a time to prepare for the impending chaos of a packed fall.  School starting, work, activities for kids, holidays, and more. So often, we hear our patients talk about not having time for themselves in the mix with all of the hats...

The Irony In Telling New Moms To “Listen” To Their Body

For many women, getting through pregnancy is an all out endurance event.  Between the morning sickness, back pain, general aches, difficulty sleeping, and gotta go bladder, and more, there is a LOT we have to work hard to ignore to survive the day.  Each and EVERY...

Managing Pelvic Organ Prolapse (or POP)

I’ve been asked by many women and patients over the years what they can do about their prolapse.  They are often scared and also feel let down by their medical providers and society at large for NOT discussing the possibility of POP. They are often told by their...