Aug 26, 2021
For many women, the end of summer is a time to prepare for the impending chaos of a packed fall. School starting, work, activities for kids, holidays, and more. So often, we hear our patients talk about not having time for themselves in the mix with all of the hats...
Feb 11, 2021
Pelvic physical therapy is a new concept for most people, and there may be a LOT of questions one may have when it comes to seeking out the help of an expert that knows so much about this area of our health. What does therapy look like? How often does a person GO to...
Oct 8, 2020
UPDATE: With the fall upon us, NOW is a GREAT TIME to start to address running issues like bladder leakage so that we can be leak free by the early spring! “Sometimes When I Run, I Pee” A common statement that a pelvic floor physical therapist is very aware of. In...
Jul 2, 2020
Abdominal surgeries can include anything from a hernia repair to a c-section, or a gynecologic scope procedure or diastasis repair. They may all seem unrelated except for ONE main thing… The CORE muscles were CUT! Regardless of the size of the incision or scar, this...
Mar 26, 2020
At the time I write this, most of our country is in a state of hibernation thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Gyms are closed and most of us are left with much fewer options for exercise. We can get outside to run, walk, bike, and we can exercise inside our homes. Now...