It’s super easy to find detailed checklists for what to pack for the hospital bag, what baby needs their first months in the home, etc, but when it comes to preparing our bodies physically for labor?? Typically crickets, or generalizations like “stay fit” or “keep...
It can come as a shock in the early days and weeks after an abdominal wall surgery just how difficult getting around and even getting comfortable to sleep can be. Patients are usually sent home with one or more drains and an abdominal binder and told not to lift...
After years of advocating for better pelvic healthcare advice for women by passionate pelvic floor specialist PTs preaching “kegels aren’t for everyone”, we have finally seen a mass narrative shift in the larger society. We are starting to hear patients come into our...
When it comes to pelvic and core health, many people assume that all we need to focus on is the pelvic floor and core muscles. But that would be a mistake. The most important muscles that stabilize the pelvis itself are the glutes. We definitely need them to be on...
Over the years, I have learned through treating hundreds of patients that a certain muscle group is usually asleep at the wheel. This includes teenagers, adults, knee pain, hip pain, and often low back pain. I have blogged about this in the past, but I wanted to share...