How To Physically Prepare Your Body For Labor

It’s super easy to find detailed checklists for what to pack for the hospital bag, what baby needs their first months in the home, etc, but when it comes to preparing our bodies physically for labor?? Typically crickets, or generalizations like “stay fit” or “keep...

Why Kegels Don’t Work and What To Do Instead!

After years of advocating for better pelvic healthcare advice for women by passionate pelvic floor specialist PTs preaching “kegels aren’t for everyone”, we have finally seen a mass narrative shift in the larger society.  We are starting to hear patients come into our...

Birth Do’s and Don’ts

Birth is such an amazing experience and we are only just now beginning to reclaim ownership over the process. For too long, women have been experiencing birth as something that is done to them thanks to the medicalization of birth that started as early as the 1920’s. ...