No Time For Exercise? Here’s The Secret To Making It Happen!

Most of the mothers that I see in our clinic are feeling some level of life overwhelm.  Between caring for their children, family and work, they are usually feeling like caring for themselves and getting in things like strength training is almost impossible.  We FEEL...

The 4 Things You Need To Be Ready For The Best Birth

Being ready for a wonderful birth can mean many things to many people.  Some will focus on the readiness of their home.  Is the baby’s room “done”, is their house baby proof, or do they have all the things for their baby?  Others will focus on packing for the hospital...

Postpartum Neck and Back Pain – Tips From The Trenches!

Here at Pinnacle, we see MANY new moms and we LOVE caring for them!  One of the MOST common issues we see our newer mamas have, is a postpartum onset of neck and upper back pain as well as sometimes a continuation of the low back pain they had during pregnancy.  And...

Don’t Forget About YOU When You Plan Your Fall Schedule!

For many women, the end of summer is a time to prepare for the impending chaos of a packed fall.  School starting, work, activities for kids, holidays, and more. So often, we hear our patients talk about not having time for themselves in the mix with all of the hats...