Feb 11, 2021
Pelvic physical therapy is a new concept for most people, and there may be a LOT of questions one may have when it comes to seeking out the help of an expert that knows so much about this area of our health. What does therapy look like? How often does a person GO to...
Oct 9, 2018
Pelvic Organ Prolapse will affect up to 50% of all women to some extent. Some with significantly life altering symptoms, and some with only mild. When women make the discovery that something is different with their pelvic floor, they feel a pressure at the base of...
Mar 1, 2018
When it comes to the modern woman’s postpartum journey, there is usually a lot lacking in the care and support department. If you are reading this and feeling that this does not describe your experience, then count yourself in the minority. When it comes to the...