If Lots Of Kegels Won’t Fix Sneeze Pee, Then What Will?

So very often in our office, I see women who tell me they diligently are doing their kegels to resolve their sneeze pee issues, without success.  Or, I am starting to see an increasing number of women who have actually heard that kegels alone aren’t the answer, but...

My Detox Journey and What I Have Learned That Can Help You

Just a few years ago, I would have never thought I’d be writing a blog post about detoxing.  Because I was basically clueless about what it was and how you did it.  I thought detoxing was a liquid diet for several days or some other restrictive food thing.  And it...

How Strong Is Your Deep Core Muscle Team?

Most people think of abdominal muscles when they hear the word core. And while this is partly correct, the deep core muscle team includes the abdominals (the deep transverse abdominals), though it also includes the diaphragm, pelvic floor, and a small muscle group...

Birth Do’s and Don’ts

Birth is such an amazing experience and we are only just now beginning to reclaim ownership over the process. For too long, women have been experiencing birth as something that is done to them thanks to the medicalization of birth that started as early as the 1920’s. ...

No Time For Exercise? Here’s The Secret To Making It Happen!

Most of the mothers that I see in our clinic are feeling some level of life overwhelm.  Between caring for their children, family and work, they are usually feeling like caring for themselves and getting in things like strength training is almost impossible.  We FEEL...

Holistic Whole Body Healing Starts With Being Able to Poop!

If you have ever struggled with constipation, you know. Life can be MISERABLE when we can’t go.  But did you know that getting healthy depends on good BMs?  It does! The body is constantly working to rid itself of unwanted toxins which is a process that starts in the...