Mar 18, 2021
What could a potato and having prolapse have to do with each other? I would have thought the same thing before having a conversation with my grandma. My grandma was born in 1903 and was quite a character! She taught me many, many things about life and fueled my...
Nov 12, 2020
Let me start this by saying that I am incredibly grateful for those who have gone into the fitness industry. WE NEED YOU! Of all the things I have missed during the 2020 year, I have REALLY missed being able to settle into a group fitness class, let the instructor...
Jan 30, 2020
If it weren’t uncomfortable enough feeling like organs are migrating down and potentially outside of your body, we can sometimes develop secondary symptoms such as pelvic floor pain. And this issue is NOT that rare. Let me explain. If you have lived on this planet for...
Jul 18, 2019
I’ve been asked by many women and patients over the years what they can do about their prolapse. They are often scared and also feel let down by their medical providers and society at large for NOT discussing the possibility of POP. They are often told by their...
Jan 7, 2019
Ok gals. You have been lied to. Women all over the world have been told for a couple of generations now that the cure all to ALL pelvic health and bladder issues is to KEGEL. Say what?? When you read this, do you know what that even means? Were we supposed to be...