Nov 7, 2019
I am not usually one to cry in public. Probably a protective mechanism honestly. But there are some times in my office that my empathic nature gets the best of me. Because it’s too close to my own story and I KNOW EXACTLY what this person is FEELING. How scared...
May 16, 2018
In the 12 years I have been practicing physical therapy, I have seen and helped many people. In the orthopedic setting there were back injuries, knee, hip, shoulder surgeries, recoveries from accidents, simple joint strains, and more. Each person had their own...
Feb 21, 2018
FYI: the following blog post discusses mature subject matter. In working with a patient recently, it has come to my attention that the interwebs are lacking good information (or any info for that matter) for the partner of a female pelvic pain sufferer. Now there...
Dec 20, 2017
In my early 20’s, I found myself wondering what was wrong with me and why I had pain in my pelvic region with annual Gyn exams and intimacy with my spouse. I was and still am quite conservative when it comes to talking about these things and did not know of who...
Nov 2, 2017
Pelvic Organ Prolapse Affects almost 50% of all women in their lifetime. It can significantly adversely effect a person’s quality of life and the solution is often not as simple as a surgery. Now is the best time to learn what it is, who is at risk, how to prevent...