Apr 23, 2020
Say What?! Women in our society are constantly hearing the phrase “do your Kegels” once they have had babies or reach a certain age. We have likely heard a doctor or a family member say this. But we are NOT used to hearing people talk about making sure our pelvic...
Feb 27, 2020
“This is normal. You’ve had a baby.” — After a woman talks to their provider about bladder leaks. “It’s not THAT bad. Come back when it’s worse and then we’ll talk about surgery.” — After a woman expresses concerns over what feels like her organs are falling out....
Apr 15, 2019
And not in the take pity kind of seeing, but the true, raw and real kind. I see you because I WAS you. Not understanding how something everyone talks about as enjoyable, fun, and great even could be such a source of discomfort, pain and SHAME. Feeling that somehow...
Nov 6, 2018
I have been asked this question by past patients after they were initially referred to me as well as friends. And it’s a GREAT question! Endometriosis is a complex and highly variable condition that as many as 1 in 10 women will suffer from (myself included). While...
Jun 13, 2018
Here it comes. The prolapse talk again. Most women either do not know what this is, or do because they either work in the medical field or have had this issue themselves. The big problem that I have with this subject is that NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT! How is this...