Mar 18, 2021
What could a potato and having prolapse have to do with each other? I would have thought the same thing before having a conversation with my grandma. My grandma was born in 1903 and was quite a character! She taught me many, many things about life and fueled my...
Sep 10, 2020
I’ve been asked by many women and patients over the years what they can do about their prolapse. They are often scared and also feel let down by their medical providers and society at large for NOT discussing the possibility of POP. They are often told by their...
Feb 27, 2020
“This is normal. You’ve had a baby.” — After a woman talks to their provider about bladder leaks. “It’s not THAT bad. Come back when it’s worse and then we’ll talk about surgery.” — After a woman expresses concerns over what feels like her organs are falling out....
Nov 2, 2017
Pelvic Organ Prolapse Affects almost 50% of all women in their lifetime. It can significantly adversely effect a person’s quality of life and the solution is often not as simple as a surgery. Now is the best time to learn what it is, who is at risk, how to prevent...