Oct 8, 2020
UPDATE: With the fall upon us, NOW is a GREAT TIME to start to address running issues like bladder leakage so that we can be leak free by the early spring! “Sometimes When I Run, I Pee” A common statement that a pelvic floor physical therapist is very aware of. In...
Mar 12, 2020
I have this feeling that I am NOT the only person who has felt broken a time or two on this human journey. A bit over a year ago I shared my birth story in several parts on social media and wanted to share a part of this story here. I had fallen and broken my right...
Feb 27, 2020
“This is normal. You’ve had a baby.” — After a woman talks to their provider about bladder leaks. “It’s not THAT bad. Come back when it’s worse and then we’ll talk about surgery.” — After a woman expresses concerns over what feels like her organs are falling out....
Feb 13, 2020
How About We Use a Pre-Flight Checklist Six weeks postpartum. What I still remember from 11, 9 and 3 years ago… My babies weren’t sleeping much at night→ hello sleep deprivation! My chest was still feeling pretty sore and was still trying to calibrate to...
Oct 24, 2019
“Sometimes When I Run, I Pee” A common statement that a pelvic floor physical therapist is very aware of. In fact, research says that about a THIRD of female runners have a hard time finishing a run without urine leakage. This is actually about the same percent for...