7 Keys To Running Leak Free
“Sometimes When I Run, I Pee” A common statement that a pelvic floor physical therapist is very aware of. In fact, research says that about a THIRD of female runners have a hard time finishing a run...
What To Do When Your Pelvic Floor Muscles Are Both Tight AND Weak
Contrary to what we have been told in this culture, not all bladder leak issues are created equal. Really. When studies come out reporting that 30-80% of high school female athletes leak during...
Rebalancing Your Cycle & Hormones With The Help Of Seeds
If you haven’t heard of seed cycling, you aren’t alone. But it could be your new favorite thing in managing your menstrual cycle and it’s not so welcome side effects! A couple of years ago someone...
What Do We Do In A Pelvic Physical Therapy Session
Something that my pelvic PT colleagues and I routinely educate others on is the fact that we are not just instructing our patients in doing kegels. In fact, we may not ever do these during a PT...
Managing Pelvic Organ Prolapse (or POP)
I’ve been asked by many women and patients over the years what they can do about their prolapse. They are often scared and also feel let down by their medical providers and society at large for NOT...
To The Woman Who Feels Like She May Never Know Pain Free Sex In Her Lifetime, I SEE You!
And not in the take pity kind of seeing, but the true, raw and real kind. I see you because I WAS you. Not understanding how something everyone talks about as enjoyable, fun, and great even could...
What Happens At a Pelvic Physical Therapy Assessment?s
I would like to answer the question now, that many people ask and are curious about. And that is what is a physical therapy assessment for the pelvic floor? This would be something that would be...
Navigating Prenatal Health And Labor Planning In A Country That Is Ranked WORST Among Developed Countries in Maternal Healthcare
When I was pregnant with my first baby 11 years ago, I had NO IDEA that our country was not exactly the best place in the world to have a baby. As a young, healthy female, I did not have much...
The Kegel Myth and Why You Should Start With Breathing Instead
Ok gals. You have been lied to. Women all over the world have been told for a couple of generations now that the cure all to ALL pelvic health and bladder issues is to KEGEL. Say what?? When you...
How Does Pelvic Physical Therapy Help Endometriosis Sufferers?
I have been asked this question by past patients after they were initially referred to me as well as friends. And it’s a GREAT question! Endometriosis is a complex and highly variable condition...