026: Tailbone Pain: How Can I Relieve It?

Ever known anyone that fell on their tailbone? Or anyone that had tailbone pain? Often, people will go to their primary doctor, chiropractor, or sports med doctor only to find that they are a little uneasy about this issue or they may say they don’t know how to or are...

025: The Truth About Postpartum Hormone Health and Healing

The days and weeks after we deliver our babies are a literal rollercoaster.  With the sporadic sleep, recovering postpartum body changes, newborn needs, and hormone fluctuations, anyone who survives these early days deserves a medal! Buffy asks Dr. Angela Potter about...

024: Using Dilators for Pelvic Pain with Amanda Olsen

Dilators have been recommended for women suffering with pelvic tightness and pain for many years.  But just the idea of using these to a person with pain sounds scary! Buffy and Amanda talk through WHO these could help and HOW to properly use them AND the mindset we...

023: Birth Ready with Buffy Stinchfield

With all of the prenatal visits that us women have, isn’t it funny how none of them focus on assessing if our body is truly ready for the pushing phase of labor or talk about what we can do to physically prepare? This time, Buffy gets interviewed by Marrisa Aron on...

022: Yoga For Pelvic Health With Joyce Gorman

With pelvic health issues being incredibly prevalent for women, many find that the typical gym routine does not complement what our body needs or what it can do at the present time. Many women stop exercise altogether for fear of making things worse or are in too much...

021: Empowering Parents With Pediatric PT Marissa Aron

For moms, having a new baby can be overwhelming. When it comes to milestones, we just hope that our pediatrician can keep a watch on that and all will be good. But did you know that the real EXPERT in movement milestones and physical changes is a pediatric physical...