

Occupational Therapy in Pelvic Health

Pelvic Health is a multifaceted field that leverages various approaches for optimal outcomes. Occupational therapy pelvic health considers these approaches as unique tools in one’s clinical toolbox.

While some approaches may be more readily utilized, frequently, a blending of approaches best aligns with each client’s unique perceptions, strengths, and concerns.

Occupational therapy approaches pelvic health from a variety of means, including neuromuscular re-education, sexual health, trauma-informed care, manual skills, behavioral re-education, and mental health.

Neuromuscular re-education includes down training, uptraining, interoception training, motor sensory awareness training, and neural glides.

Occupational therapy for sexual health may include adaptive equipment including recommendations for dilators, wands, lubrication, and penetration bumpers, neuro re-education, preparatory techniques, positioning training, body awareness, and arousal process.

Occupational therapy for trauma-informed care may look like empowerment via choices, nervous system regulation via polyvagal theory, self-compassion practice, breathing techniques and mindfulness yoga. Also targeting fostering ownership of client experience vs. factual timeline.

Manual skills for pelvic health occupational therapy may include joint mobilization, nerve release, adhesion reduction using muscle energy techniques, myofascial release, scar tissue mobilization, visceral mobilization, and musculoskeletal mobilization.

Occupational therapy is skilled in a need for behavioral re-education. This may include bowel and bladder training, functional movement, home exercise program, and self-care. Occupational therapy has its roots in mental health.

Occupational therapy in pelvic health can identify cognitive behavioral therapy for activities and instrumental activities of daily living, and nervous system regulation, perception, mindfulness practice, and psychoeducation.

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Abbie W

“I wish I would have found her sooner. She really knows how to help. She is very professional and thorough.”

Lila B

“Buffy is very knowledgeable and experienced, she has helped me and I’m sure she can help you too! You’ll love her!”