Find Out Which Foods Can Irritate Our Bladders

Hi friends!  I was just talking to a new client about this and realized I should share it with you.  Have you ever had a time where for some reason, your bladder seemed to have to be emptied more frequently than normal?  This often happens for women when they have a...

Why Kegels Are NOT The Cure All

Most women have at some point in their adult lives heard the word “Kegel”.  They have a vague idea of what it is (such as stop the flow of urine), and may have been told by their OBGYN that they should probably be doing many of them every day.  For forever.  And that...

You Are Not Alone… A 2.7 Billion Dollar Industry Says So.

This is an open letter to all of you gals.  To my friends, my family, and everyone else.  In this crazy life journey, we have all experienced our share of challenges, trials, and bummer moments.  Some things we publicly post on social media to complain to our friends...