Holistic Whole Body Healing Starts With Being Able to Poop!

If you have ever struggled with constipation, you know. Life can be MISERABLE when we can’t go.  But did you know that getting healthy depends on good BMs?  It does! The body is constantly working to rid itself of unwanted toxins which is a process that starts in the...

Improving Gut Health: The 6 Strategies That Can Make a Huge Difference-

When it comes to feeling better and resolving unwanted symptoms like pain, inflammation, constipation, pelvic organ prolapse, chronic infections, fatigue, and more, we are often told that there is some “magic pill” for the specific symptom. Constipation? Take this...

Rebalancing Your Cycle & Hormones With The Help Of Seeds

If you haven’t heard of seed cycling, you aren’t alone. But it could be your new favorite thing in managing your menstrual cycle and it’s not so welcome side effects! A couple of years ago someone introduced me to the concept and I was of course skeptical.  FOOD to...

Find Out Which Foods Can Irritate Our Bladders

Hi friends!  I was just talking to a new client about this and realized I should share it with you.  Have you ever had a time where for some reason, your bladder seemed to have to be emptied more frequently than normal?  This often happens for women when they have a...